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CFPB Examining Mandatory Arbitration Clauses For Financial Products
Learn why the CFPB is looking into arbitration clauses that are attached to some financial products

Native American-Affiliated Lenders Draw Government Attention
How Native American lenders remind us to stick with CFSA approved lenders.

Finance Companies Support Romney's Presidential Bid
Learn why the finance industry supports the Romney campaign.

Missouri Judge Shuts Down Payday Loan Petition
Read about the newest chapter in the short-term lending debate in Missouri.

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All Payday Articles


Payday Loan Usury Laws: A Safeguard against the Revolving Cycle of Debt
Predatory lending is costing families billions of dollars each year. Usury laws are aimed at cracking down on lenders gouging consumers with a prohibitively-priced payday loan.
Payday Lenders: What to Look Out For
How many times have you heard the age old saying, “money doesn’t grow on trees?” As cliché as the saying might be, it is definitely true! However, there are payday lenders out there willing to help you access money in times of need.
Bad Credit Personal Loans: Getting You Out of the Red
Whether you find yourself drowning in mortgage payments or up to your neck in credit card debt, sometimes borrowing money is your only option. But what do you do if you have a bad credit history?
Faxless Payday Loans: The Hassle-Free Solution for Emergency Borrowers
Borrowers will find that applying for a faxless payday loan is now easier than ever before. An increasing number of payday lenders are eliminating the need for a borrower to fax or submit paperwork by offering this service online.
Borrowing and Budgeting Tips: Keeping Consumers on the Right Financial Track
In today's world where credit-desperate consumers face a barrage of ads offering fast and easy cash, shopping carefully and comparing offers take on added importance.
How to Turn Bad Credit into Good Credit
For individuals suffering with poor credit, the road back to good credit is a long and hard journey. But, with a good strategy, a determination to succeed, and the implementation of effective saving and budgeting techniques, there is good reason to have hope for the future.
Using Payday Cash Loans to Build-New or Repair-Bad Credit
Unfortunately, we live in a credit-based society and having no credit or bad credit has many consequences. Whether a person is just starting out, or they have stumbled along the way, it is imperative to work towards building a good credit report.
Why use Payday Loans? And How Costs are Determined
Payday loans are meant to be a band-aid to help you get out of financial difficulties in the short-run. It is important to compare costs offered by different payday loan companies as the convenience of these fast and easy emergency loans comes with an added cost.
Building an Emergency Fund and Financial Safety Net for Your Family
Many of us have enough difficulty managing our monthly expenses, so it might seem like wishful thinking to have an emergency fund available to us. However, setting aside money for emergency purposes can help you avoid financial problems in the future.
Get an Online Payday Loan even if you have Bad Credit!
Instant online payday loans or no teletrack payday loans are a good solution in times of unexpected emergencies. The good part is that lenders generally do not require a credit check for borrowers to be approved of an online payday loan.
Consumer Advocacy Groups Approach Congress for Relief
In some states, new laws have been developed to protect consumers from predatory lending and other complication that can arise from careless use of payday loans. Learn more about legislation and public opinion on payday loans.
The Payday Cash Advance Loan Industry Delivers More
Payday loan companies have been able to tap into a huge market of consumers who have been traditionally ignored by lenders. Understand how the cash advance model allows lenders to offer quick cash in the form of payday loans.
How to Make Wise Payday Loan Decisions
Whether you call it a cash advance, a payday loan, a check advance, or a deferred deposit check loan, you’re speaking of the same product. Read the top ten reasons for taking out a payday cash advance loans.
Repair Your Credit Wounds
Become familiar with common credit repair myths and get to know the real facts about repairing bad credit. Also, find out how to go about removing bankruptcies, liens, judgments, foreclosures or bad loans from your credit report.
Payday Loans 101
Payday loans are a good option for those in need of quick cash. But, before taking out a payday cash advance loan, there are a few things to take into consideration. Become familiar with the cash advance process along with the advantages and disadvantages.
5 Steps to Better Money Management
Financial tips to help consumers become more acquainted with their cash flow situation. Find out how borrowers can set goals, track expenses, and plan a budget to effectively manage their personal finances.
Requirements for Approval
Payday lenders generally have the same requirements and criteria that need to be met to be approved for a payday loan. To save time, find out all that is required to be approved for a payday loan before beginning the application process.
APR Disclosure
We understand that the average consumer may not fully understand how payday loans work and how rates are calculated on your loan. Use this overview to calculate the real rate or APR expense charged on your payday loan.
The Cash till Payday Cycle: Avoid Costly Fees with Quick and Easy Saving Tips
With mortgage payments, car insurance, gas, food and other living expenses, the average American’s financial situation is quite complicated. It’s no wonder that some individuals have to resort to payday loans. Use these tips to determine your budgeting short-falls and correct them!
Emergency Loans = Payday Loans
When the roof leaks in the middle of rainy season, there’s no better way to supplement your income than an emergency payday loan. Find out when payday loans are a good choice and how lender fees and rates are determined.


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